[Lazarus] Declaration of an event type inside a class

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Sun Jan 25 22:12:41 CET 2015

The TAChart code contains a strange declaration:

   TChart = class(TCustomChart, ICoordTransformer)
     TDrawEvent = procedure (ASender: TChart; ADrawer: IChartDrawer) of 
   strict private // Property fields
     FOnAfterDraw: TDrawEvent;
     property OnAfterDraw: TDrawEvent read FOnAfterDraw write 

The declaration of TDrawEvent is part of the TChart declaration! As 
reported in the German Lazarus forum 
(http://www.lazarusforum.de/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8474), an error "Unable 
to show method..." is generated because of this construction: If I move 
the TDrawEvent out of the TChart context everything works fine.

I cannot reach Alexander S Klenin for clarification. But what could have 
been his intention of doing it this way? (Or maybe it is just a typo?)

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