[Lazarus] TMPlayerControl

Philippe philippe at quarta.com.br
Tue Jan 6 10:48:26 CET 2015


Em 05.01.2015 23:28, Michael Thompson escreveu: 

> G'day, 
-fs does not appear in parameters list ... correct? 
> Correct. -fs
does not appear when I call "mplayer -input cmdlist". 
> I note it
does appear in the following page though: 
http://mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.html#GENERAL%20OPTIONS [1] 

> Maybe they're more diligent on updating the web than the cmdlist? 

> I also note there is a "get_vo_fullscreen" property in the "mplayer
-input cmdlist" output, which implies a "set_vo_fullscreen" (though none
is listed) 
> And finally I note there's a caveat on the webpage
saying -fs doesn't work with all video drivers... 
> Using MPlayer on
Windows, despite no -fs appearing in the above, I can still play video
in full screen passing the -fs parameter. Which means this *should* work
in the Lazarus TMplayerControl control by simply adding -fs to
> How this works in reality though I'm unsure :-) If you
get a chance to experiment, I'd love to know the results. From the
documentation I've found so far, I'm unsure how to toggle FullScreen,
and how to determine which monitor gets the video... 
> I also
suspect this conversation is going to veer more into the mplayer arena
than the Lazarus arena, so I'm happy for this continue as a personal
email chain (just reply to me, not to Lazarus). I'll update the wiki
with the outcome 
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/TMPlayerControl [2] 

> Mike

> May be I did not expressed me very well ...
 "fs" does not
appear in http://wiki.freepascal.org/TMPlayerControl And my "question"
is still about TMPlayerControl, not with MPlayer ... Using

> quote>
margin-left:5px; width:100%">Philippe
Lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org




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