[Lazarus] EPIKTIMER etc

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 8 14:28:35 CEST 2015

Am 08.06.2015 13:40 schrieb "Tony Whyman" <tony.whyman at mccallumwhyman.com>:
> So, do we conclude that Microsoft's "Embrace, extend, and extinguish"
strategy now applies to Time itself?

Active Directory uses Kerberos for authentication between server and client
which requires the clocks of the two systems to be rather close. Now if you
are in a AD the client normally uses the clock of the server, but if that
fluctuates the client clock will thus fluctuate as well (we had this at my
old work where the server's clock drifted heavily as well). Thus the server
should normally get its time from a NTP as well...

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