[Lazarus] Test This Please

JuuS JuuS at mykolab.ch
Fri Nov 6 11:10:30 CET 2015

On 11/06/2015 09:55 AM, Anthony Walter wrote:
> To Debian based Lazarus users, if you have the inclination can you test
> this out, or provide some feedback:

40 minutes in, works great and looks pretty, needs the utilities thing

If you're looking for suggestions? Scrubbing with arrow keys would be
nice, fast scrubbing with shift or control.

Just for the fun of it, it would be interesting to be able to click on a
processor color(s) and isolate those graphs.

> http://www.getlazarus.org/apps/cpugraph/
> Here is a video of the program if you want a better idea of what it does
> before you try it:
> http://cache.getlazarus.org/video/cpugraph-scrub.mp4
> * Note to testers *
> I've written code to enabled system wide hotkey detection which may not
> work in environments toolkits where Gtk doesn't own the root window. 
> If Super + U (super is the Windows key) doesn't toggle the graphing
> window visibility,  please let me know what "echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"
> returns in a terminal.
> --
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