[Lazarus] Sparta docked form editor moved to trunk

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Thu Nov 19 08:25:12 CET 2015

On 19.11.2015 02:40, Anthony Walter wrote:
> Juha, wow this is gonna be the gold standard. One BIG problem I 
> noticed right off however. If you put a control on the form, for 
> example a button, you cannot remove it.
> Tested on Gtk2 Linux, Ubuntu with Unity desktop.

This works correctly on Windows (10), undocked environment.

On 19.11.2015 01:35, Juha Manninen wrote:
> - A docked form editor makes most sense with AnchorDocking, but it can
> be used also without it.

I find it very useful also in undocked environment (where I tested). It 
is a must in a docked environment and the (probably biggest) reason I 
don't use AnchorDocking.

On 19.11.2015 01:35, Juha Manninen wrote:
> Please test everybody!

Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab do not work when "Designer" is shown. (Win 10 
but as far as I understand this is platform-independent because these 
IDE commands are disabled when designer form is shown. They should be 
enabled when SourceWindow is focused/active (this will work both when 
dockedformeditor is installed or not).

+ Why the long name "sparta_dockedformeditor.lpk"? Wouldn't 
"dockedformeditor.lpk" be enough? It is in "sparta" directory so 
everybody sees the credits to sparta. And AFAIK there is no other 
dockedformeditor solution (if there is another one we should just 
maintain only one of them in the trunk anyway.)


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