[Lazarus] Clipboard problem with Lazarus using VNC

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Oct 26 10:23:23 CET 2015

On 10/26/2015 10:09 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> If you want to do significant amounts of cut-and-paste then run 
> Lazarus over SSH (i.e. so that the Lazarus UI is being presented by 
> the local X server). If that introduces a significant performance hit 
> then report it as a bug, it's something that's crept into a small 
> number of Lazarus versions and is usually fixable.
Do you mean Start Lazarus from the command line via SSH after setting 
the "DISPLAY" environment variable  and  the plain old Unix X11 way.

There are X11 Servers that run in Windows (I did use XMING (-> 
http://www.straightrunning.com/xmingnotes/ )  some years ago.


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