[Lazarus] FileExistsUTF8 and long paths

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 17 15:00:44 CET 2016

Am 17.01.2016 14:23 schrieb "Jürgen Hestermann" <juergen.hestermann at gmx.de>:
> >> I did not find any comments that mentions long paths
> > You need new glasses then ;-)
> > === code ==
> >   //if Filename uses ExtendedLengthPath scheme then it cannot be
> >   //AND it should not be altered by ForcePathDelims or ResolveDots
> >   //See:
> >   if (Length(Fn) > 3) and (Fn[1] = PathDelim) and (Fn[2] = PathDelim)
> >      (Fn[3] = '?') and (Fn[4] = PathDelim) //Do NOT use
> > AllowDirectorySeparators here!
> >      then Exit;
> > === end code ===
> I have read this but how is this related to \\?\ and long paths?
> What is ExtendedLengthPath scheme?
> I don't see any information about W functions and \\?\ prefix.

Did you look at the if-clause following the comment? What do you think
PathDelim + PathDelim + '?' + PathDelim evaluates to?

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