[Lazarus] [PATCH] components/turbopower_ipro: added the Iphttpbroker and its example

Fabrício Srdic fabricio.srdic at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 13:17:36 CET 2016

2016-01-25 23:09 GMT-02:00 silvioprog <silvioprog at gmail.com>:

> But, unfortunatelly, even with this pros, Pascal programmers avoid to use
> external libraries, that's a real fact. :-/
This issue is not restricted to Pascal programmers, this problem is
inherent in any development platform.

The root problem of using an external library is: when you add an external
dependency on your code, your code becomes constrained by the limitations
of that external dependency. For example, let's suppose you are writing a
code that handles an exotic file format. Your code are supposed to run on
windows. Then you find an external library which solves your problem. Three
months after, your project's requirements changes. The new requirement is
that your code shall run on Linux. However, that external library runs only
on windows. So, your code are constrained by this limitation. Now, you need
to find an alternative solution. Sometimes, none of them are feasible and
this fact can lead your project to fail.

By other side, if you find a solution in pascal, your code are constrained
only by the limitations of the compiler.

Best regards
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