[Lazarus] Conditional Breakpoints - again

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Jul 7 13:27:18 CEST 2016


Just over a year ago I asked about Conditional Breakpoints and using an
expression. The result was it was broken, unnoticed by other developers
and eventually a [work-around] fix applied.

Now I'm revisiting Conditional Breakpoints, but this time referring to
the HintCount property. Is that implemented at all? See attached
screenshot and items (1) and (2). From my testing it seems it isn't
working at all. The breakpoint is always triggered on every iteration.

My work-around is again the same as it was a year ago - item (3) in the
screenshot. Defined a temporary variable, set or change it's value, then
have a IF statement and assign a breakpoint inside the IF statement.

[Apologies Martin Fr for this rant - it is no reflection on you or your
fantastic contributions in this area]

I don't get it - how do anybody else debug using Lazarus? It seems all
that actually works is setting standard breakpoints and stepping through
code one line at a time. Everything else is buggy or not functional at all.

Also I think everything related to debugging that doesn't work should be
disabled permanently until it is actually implemented or functioning.
eg: The Conditional Breakpoints dialog. I think pretty much everything
in there doesn't work! So having those controls enabled just gives a
false sense of functionality.

[ end of rant ]


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp
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