[Lazarus] Strange behaviour of TCustomEditButton ancesters

Frans fjf.vanleeuwen at quicknet.nl
Sat Mar 12 20:38:19 CET 2016


I use TFileNameEdit (but TDirectoryEdit acts the same) on the second tabsheet of a PageControl where 
it's the first control to receive focus. I set the focus manually in the method form.tabshow for the 
event OnShow.
The first time I activate that tab, SetFocus has the effect as shown in FirstTime.png. When I select 
the tab another time, the effect is normal, as shown in Second time.png.
Is can't find out why. Is this a bug? I use Lazarus 1.6 and FCP 3.0.0.

Frans van Leeuwen
M 06-51695390

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