[Lazarus] Synedit tab

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Feb 6 13:21:04 CET 2017

On 06.02.2017 12:56, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus wrote:
> I hope this helps:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Packages#Package_states
Yep, perfect !

So seemingly the green cross should mean "not used". Great but 
doubleclicking moves it to the uninstalled list and there seems no means 
in the "Install/Uninstall Packages" menu to make it "used", or take you 
to the menu where it can be set to "used" (and the IDE be recompiled).

And with that the text in the Package info window in the 
"Install/Uninstall Packages" menu it should not read "not installed" but 
"not used".

(Using the current svn version of Lazarus.)


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