[Lazarus] Lazarus still not usable with VNC under Raspbian

Joe Special at Joepgen.com
Fri Apr 27 11:05:49 CEST 2018

Hi, community,

on Pi computers under Raspbian controlled over VNC the Lazarus code 
editor doesn't recognize keystrokes with AltGr and therefore characters 
like {[]}\ can't be put in. That's a known issue since 2016 

Unfortunately, this report is still unassigned and it seems nobody of 
the developers cares about it. So, the 70+ million Raspberry Pi users 
all over the world cant' develop Lazarus programs when controlling their 
Pis over the VNC Server built into Raspbian.

The contributor of the VNC Server built into Raspian Stretch is RealVNC. 
I asked them for help concerning this problem. Yesterday I got this from 
Linda, RealVNC Product Support:

"We did manage to reproduce this from Windows with a German keyboard 
layout. We can confirm that it only affects this particular application. 
Lazarus does appear to discard key events with the same timestamp, which 
I think is not correct behaviour, which they would need to fix to make 
this work. There's not really much we can do to fix this, since we don't 
explicitly generate the timestamps on the events - the X server is doing 
this. Given that the X server is ok with sending the key events to the 
Lazarus application with the same timestamp, I think it should be 
handling this ...
Please log a bug with the Lazarus developer."

Steps to reproduce the problem:
Prepare a SD card with Raspbian Stretch, current version, and boot a Pi 
with it. Enable VNC and install Lazarus (current version under Raspian
  is Lazarus 1.6.2). Now, from a Windows 10 computer, using VNCViewer 
6.0.3. x64 from RealVNC, connect to the Pi, open Lazarus, click in the 
code Editor Window and depress AltGr + {. The charcter is not shown.

Please, could one of the developers have a look at this?

Regards --  Joe

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