[Lazarus] Note about LCL GetDefaultGlyph

AlexeyT aaa5500 at ya.ru
Tue May 1 16:48:34 CEST 2018

+function GetDefaultGlyph(ResourceName: string; ScalePercent: Integer = 
100): TCustomBitmap;
+  Result := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
+  if ScalePercent<>100 then
+    ResourceName := ResourceName+'_'+IntToStr(ScalePercent);
+  Result.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, ResourceName);

So for scale 140% func gets suffix _140, but better use suffix _100 (for 
all values 100..149).
140% can be set in Windows dialog, I think.
Same for scale 210%, func gets suffix _210, but should _200.



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