[Lazarus] Let's make a web browser

Torsten Bonde Christiansen tc at epidata.info
Fri May 18 13:41:00 CEST 2018

On 2018-05-18 12:00, Anthony Walter via Lazarus wrote:
> This is an open source set of controls I am working on which will be 
> released soon on gtihub. The browser is based on the wekbit engine, 
> and it's accompanied by a collection of native controls and other code 
> to make working with related materials easy/easier.
> A related portion I am working on in parallel is an interface to the 
> webkit javascript core engine. Although it is in a separate package, 
> the jsc tools I am working on provide the ability to intermix pascal 
> code and javascript in your applications. But also, you can use the 
> jsc tools to take to talk your application from inside a webpage, and 
> your application can call javascript to interact with a webpage.
> Or, you can not use a web browser at all, and just work with 
> javascript inside your pascal apps.
> Stay tuned. If you want to help me test or give me feedback (forum 
> linked below) on some demo ideas or the programming interface (code 
> design) before I publish, let me know.
> https://www.getlazarus.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=23
I would love to help you with both testing and feedback. Is there any 
way I can help you with development too?

I would love to add (at least the browser part) to our product.

best regrads,
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