[Lazarus] Cross-compile console program to Linux (Ubuntu)?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 21:09:56 CEST 2018

I have a console program for Windows, which was developed using
Delphi2007 and Indy10.
Now I need to port this to Linux (Ubuntu Server 16.04-3 LTS on Intel
i386 CPu).
I have installed Lazarus 1.8.4-32 using the download from the official
Lazarus site: lazarus-1.8.4-fpc-3.0.4-win32.exe

So I have Lazarus ver 1.8.4 and FPC ver 3.0.4 rev 57972 on my Windows
7 Pro X64 laptop.
I have also installed the IndyLaz package to get the Indy10 components
and this works fine.

Given that what do I have to download in order to build the project
for Ubuntu Linux on the Intel platform?
I am assuming that porting from Delphi2007 to Lazarus/FreePascal is

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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