That line been generated automaticaly in the fpc.cfg, by fpcmkcfg (in cmd typed: fpcmkcfg.exe -o c:\lazarus\fpc\2.5.1\.....\bin\fpc.cfg ).<br><br>With this line don't works.<br><br>-Fu$LOCAL_APPDATA\FreePascal\fppkg/units/$FPCTARGET/*<br>
<br>After change this line:<br><br>to<br><br>-Fu C:\lazarus\fpc\2.5.1\units\i386-win32\*<br><br>My IDE sucessfull compile my projects.<br><br>If you confirm thats a bug. I 'll report in bugtracker, because i dont know if it's a fpcmkcfg.exe bug or "bug on my method".<br>
<br>ps: Sorry to my poor english<br><br>Regards<br><br>Rafael<br>