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Hello, All,<br>
I'm trying to run the following code.<br>
It runs if I leave the option line commented out.<br>
If I uncomment the option line it hangs.<br>
This did not happen until I downloaded the latest version of Open
Office this AM. <br>
I was running Open Office 3.1. (worked as expected)<br>
I am now running Open Office 3.3. (hangs and Open Office Calc never
I saw the warnings about using pipes and reading information back; I
am not doing any of this; just trying to open the spreadsheet, edit
it, and close it while waiting to return in the Lazarus program.<br>
When I reset the debugger calc opens as expected.<br>
I'm running under Windows Vista.<br>
Any idea what is going on, please? <br>
<font face="monospace"> AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
AProcess.CommandLine := 'C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org
3\program\scalc.exe ' + CurrentProcessFileName;
// AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [</font><font
face="monospace">poWaitOnExit</font><font face="monospace">];
-- <br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">"If your creed and Scripture do not agree,
cut your creed to pieces,
but make it agree with this book."
~Charles Spurgeon~</pre>