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Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <felipemonteiro.carvalho@gmail.com> hat am 26. August 2011 um 14:20 geschrieben:
> 2011/8/26 Anthony Walter <sysrpl@gmail.com>:
> > If I were to attempt to fix this issue myself, what is the fastest way to
> > test my fixes to codetools short of rebuilding the entire IDE i.e. "make
> > clean" from my Lazarus source directory? I ask because it takes quite a
> > while (a minute or two) to do a "make clean".
> I usually do "make bigide", without doing make clean before it will go faster
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<p style="margin: 0px;">A make whatever is only needed after renaming important files. For example after an svn update you should this, because perhaps someone did rename something.</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Otherwise, you simply rebuild the IDE using the IDE. This is faster and will update third party components too. </p>
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> I think that there is no solution. Having said that, 1 or 2 minutes
> for a large IDE is not a lot at all. Compiling Qt might even take half
> a day in a old machine.
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<p style="margin: 0px;">Mattias</p>
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