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<p>Since yesterday I have problems compiling Lazarus with FPC trunk.</p>
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<p>Regards, Darius</p>
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<p>Compiling .\widgetset\wsgrids.pp<br />dbgrids.pas(1991,31) Error: Incompatible types: got "Pointer" expected "AnsiString"<br />dbgrids.pas(3828,54) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "Pointer", expected "AnsiString"<br />dbgrids.pas(3843,20) Error: Incompatible types: got "Pointer" expected "AnsiString"<br />dbgrids.pas(3895,28) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "AnsiString", expected "Pointer"<br />dbgrids.pas(3949) Fatal: There were 4 errors compiling module, stopping<br />Fatal: Compilation aborted<br />make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Error 1<br />make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/lazarus/lcl'<br />make: *** [lcl] Error 2</p>
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