Hi,<br><br>Using FPC 2.6.1 and Laz trunk on Windows, there is a better way to not to do such codes below?<br><br>Examples<br>1- I'm on the LCL and I have an Edit (edtFileName):<br>var<br> lFileName: string;<br> lStrings: TStrings;<br>
begin<br> lStrings := TStrings.Create;<br> try<br> lFileName := Utf8ToSys(edtFileName.Text);<br> lStrings.SaveToFile(lFileName);<br> finally<br> lStrings.Free;<br> end;<br>end;<br><br>2- If I want to add the path delimiter using an Edit (edtPath)<br>
var<br> lPath: string;<br>begin<br> lPath := SysToUtf8(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Utf8ToSys(edtPath.Directory)));<br> edtPath.Directory := lPath;<br>end;<br><br><br>Marcos Douglas<br>