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<br/>Kjow <antispammoni@gmail.com> hat am 7. August 2012 um 20:20 geschrieben:> Hi all,
<br/>> Trying to install fpc_2.6.0-120728_amd64.deb on Ubuntu 12.04 x64 I get
<br/>> this warning:
<br/>> The package doesn't provide a valid Installed-Size control field. See
<br/>> Debian Policy 5.6.20.
<br/>> Same thing for:
<br/>> fpc-src_2.6.0-120728_amd64.deb
<br/>> and
<br/>> lazarus_1.0RC1-0_amd64.deb
<br/>> I grabbed he files here:
<br/>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/Lazarus%20Linux%20amd64%20DEB/Lazarus%201.0RC1/
<br/>> I forced the installation with "ignore & install" and they installed.
<br/>> Not yet tried how Lazarus IDE works on ubuntu 12.04.
The deb was built and tested on a ubuntu 12.04. Maybe I somehow missed that warning.
Please create a bug report.