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<br/>Kjow <antispammoni@gmail.com> hat am 26. September 2012 um 08:55 geschrieben:
<br/>> Hi all,
<br/>> I can't recompile r38824M Lazarus version.
The M means you have local modifications. Please revert them.
It compiles here.
Have compiled clean?
<br/>> This is the log:
<br/>> ...
<br/>> Compiling lazutilsstrconsts.pas
<br/>> Writing Resource String Table file: lazutilsstrconsts.rst
<br/>> C:\Develop\lazarus\components\lazutils\fileutil.inc(1494,22) Error:
<br/>> Identifier not found "TFileStreamUTF8"
There is no TFileStreamUTF8 at this line in trunk.