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<br/>Graeme Geldenhuys <graeme@geldenhuys.co.uk> hat am 26. September 2012 um 14:33 geschrieben:
<br/>> On 2012-09-26 13:17, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
<br/>> >
<br/>> > Or exclude the clip rect or add csOpaque to the scrollbar controlstyle.
<br/>> It seems we found a bug here. TScrollbar is Opaque, but LCL-GTK2 seems
<br/>> to ignore that ControlStyle setting.
csOpaque is not a widgetset settings, but a LCL one. It excludes the area by clipping when calling Paint and effects how Mouse hits are handled.
<br/>> The code from TCustomScrollbar.Create()
<br/>> ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csFramed, csDoubleClicks, csOpaque]
<br/>> - [csAcceptsControls, csDoubleClicks,
<br/>> csCaptureMouse, csSetCaption];
Right. Then maybe I guessed wrong and something else is painting the background.