<p>Hi,</p><p>I install Lazarus from
<prof7bit@gmail.com><lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org>Debian</lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org></prof7bit@gmail.com> <prof7bit@gmail.com><lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org>Repository</lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org></prof7bit@gmail.com> under Ubuntu and compyle new project without problem. But can't find debugger. I install Lazarus 1.0.2 from sf and compyle new project without problem. Without debugger they runs. Please tell me where I can find debugger under Ubuntu. Thanks!<br></p><br><br><br>-------- Оригинално пиÑмо --------<br>От: Bernd <prof7bit@gmail.com><br>ОтноÑно: [Lazarus] Fwd: Build-Depends: imagemagick<br>До: Lazarus mailing list <lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org><br>Изпратено на: ÐеделÑ, 2012, Октомври 14 04:52:26 EEST<br><br><br>[forwarded another copy to the list because of mailinglist was missing<br>
in recipients]<br>
2012/10/8 Mattias Gaertner <<a href="../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=nc-gaertnma@netcologne.de">nc-gaertnma@netcologne.de</a>>:<br>
> That's a lot<br>
> of work and I'm glad they do it.<br>
The problem is the Debian packages from Debian don't do it either!<br>
They consist of many hundred lines of convoluted unmaintained(!)<br>
script that is trying to press every possible button the debian<br>
packaging system provides (except the new dh overrides which would<br>
simplify matters) (it has meta-packages and virtual packages and<br>
versioned packages, it is using update-alternatives for no reason (who<br>
wants to install two different ancient(!) versions of Lazarus<br>
simultaneously?)), it is ripping apart lazarus into many small pieces<br>
and introducing new bugs and damaging Lazarus' reputation and the only<br>
thing it is *NOT* doing is installing all needed files where they<br>
belong! It does not install mime types, it is trying to intstall a<br>
default config file that does not even exist anymore, when you start<br>
it for the first time it will complain about wrong paths and packages<br>
installed but no .lpk files found (probably because lazarus-ide fails<br>
to depend on lazarus-src which is *essential* for using the ide, why<br>
did they split it in the first place?), even a simple make install<br>
even in the current limited form would immediately give a better<br>
install than the debs from Debian.<br>
I would rather not see any of these half-baked and broken Debian<br>
packages at all in any of the repositories so that no new user<br>
accidentally installs them and then immediately comes to the<br>
conclusion that Lazarus is completely broken and unusable because that<br>
is exactly what currently happens when one installs Lazarus from the<br>
Ubuntu software center.<br>
I vote for dumping this broken and unmaintained packaging entirely and<br>
rewrite it from scratch in a much simpler way with only two packages,<br>
one containing everything needed for building from the command line<br>
with lazbuild and another package containing the ide, the source and<br>
all the rest that is needed to use the ide because this is the only<br>
logical and natural separation that would make sense. Everything going<br>
beyond that would be nonsense and wasted manpower.<br>
If Lazarus and Pascal programming and Pascal units are by design<br>
incompatible with the way how Debian is organized or how its ancient<br>
bureaucratic policies blindly dictate and they cannot put such simple<br>
and working packages into their Repository then so be it! It doesn't<br>
matter! An alternative repository can be set up in one afternoon and<br>
Debian could no longer damage the reputation of Lazarus by providing<br>
ancient and broken packages.<br>
Lazarus mailing list<br>
<a href="../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=Lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org">Lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org</a><br>
<a href="http://lists.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/lazarus" target="_blank">http://lists.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/lazarus</a><br>