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On 22.01.2013 20:56, zeljko wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:201301221856.41023.zeljko@holobit.net"
<pre wrap="">On Tuesday 22 of January 2013 18:52:31 Anton Kavalenka wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Dear Lazarus developers!
I'm examining the problem disturbing me for years.
GTK2 applications provide thread-safety using internal mutexes passed
through gdk_thread_init()
And it works.
Pure X-Applcation does so (orders X-messages per-thread) using
XInitThreads at early start of application.
And it also works
But GTK Widgetset uses pure Xlib calls for determining keyboard states.
Xlib thread-safety is not initialized in GTK2 widgetset.
IMO the problem half-way to resolve - either not use Xlib calls (pure
GTK2,3 - it is threadsafe) or make GTK and Xlib interoperable.
Or block GTK calls until Xlib call returned.
<pre wrap="">
Feel free to provide patch.
<font face="Liberation Sans">I'd like to, but i'm not a great expert
in X - so i've subscribed to the list to discuss.<br>
using XinitThreads at start of the program blocks GTK painting. <br>
Forms are shown, but no text output.<br>
So - no way to alter XLib internals. The only way - to initialize
GTK threading in a way compatibel with X.<br>