Hi All, <br><br>I am making a charting program and encountered very weird error. The exception raised is: 'External: SIGFPE'. In file 'lcltype.pp' at line 3009. On that line is the MulDiv() function, and the operation I am doing is just assigning font height. I then remembered the question i asked days ago about 1/0 and Ln(0). Sven suggested to use SetExceptionMask.<br>
<br>I tried this in my FormCreate:<br><br> SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide, exOverflow, exUnderflow]);<br><br>Now the program crashes every time it start. I also tested to put the above line on an empty project, same error happened in gtk2winapi.inc! <br>
<br>Could anyone explain what's SIGFPE? Why there is a SetExceptionMask? Why a normal empty form application will generate SIGFPE with these masks, and how to trace down to the cause of this error?<br><br>Thanks a lot!<br>