<p>Am 26.10.2013 11:48 schrieb "ListMember" <<a href="mailto:listmember@letterboxes.org">listmember@letterboxes.org</a>>:<br>
> On 2013-10-26 11:45, Sven Barth wrote:<br>
>> > If we could say that with enouh conjfidence, I'd gladly shift my focus to fcl-passrc.<br>
>> The main tests for what FPC supports and what not is for one compiling (or in this context at least "parsing") the compiler's source, the RTL and the packages. Additionally there are the tests which should either succeed or dail to compile/run (and when a new feature is added at least one test is added). So in my opinion the ability to correctly parse compiler, RTL and packages sources plus correctly parsing all tests that should compile and failing all tests that should fail would be enough in my opinion.<br>
> OK, then. I'll take a look at that one. Thanks.</p>
<p>And of course additional tests can be added and maybe we'll also need to mark some tests as "parses, but fails to compile" (e.g. to test linker errors, semantic errors or whatever).<br>
Additionally one could try to make fcl-passrc a fragmentary parser so that it could be used for an IDE like Lazarus as well (code depublication) or for a Pascal script engine (I know there are already DWScript and PascalScript).</p>