<p>Am 17.02.2015 16:58 schrieb "Werner Pamler" <<a href="mailto:werner.pamler@freenet.de">werner.pamler@freenet.de</a>>:<br>
> This compiler message looks strange to me: "tatextelements.pas(177,24) Hint: Value parameter "AValue" is assigned but never used". It occurs when TAChart is recompiled (see bug report #0027484). Here is the corresponding code:<br>
> procedure TGenericChartMarks.SetFrame(AValue: _TFramePen);<br>
> begin<br>
> if FFrame = AValue then exit;<br>
> FFrame.Assign(AValue);<br>
> StyleChanged(Self);<br>
> end;<br>
> I would say that the parameter "AValue" *is* used. So, what is this hint for?</p>
<p>What compiler version? If 2.6.x please retest with a 3.x version. If it is still reproducible then try to reproduce it in a smaller, self contained example and report as a bug for FPC.</p>