<body><div>I have used ​OnUTF8KeyPress on Windows and Linux (GTK2 and QT) to enable keyboard entry of the</div>
<div>degree symbol in place of the reverse dash with the following code:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Procedure TCoordinatePanel.DoOnUTF8KeyPress(Sender: TObject; Var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char);<br />
Begin<br />
{ Substitute reverse dash for degree symbol. }<br />
If UTF8Key='`' Then<br />
UTF8Key := #$C2#$B0; { UTF8 code for '°' character. }<br />
End;<br />
<div>However, on Mac this same code returns '??' in place of the degree symbol. This is my first attempt at using Lazarus on the Mac,</div>
<div>can somebody explain what is happening here? I am using the latest official Lazarus binary package 1.4.2 with the Carbon widgetset.</div>
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<div>Paul Michell</div>