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<div>It been days for me that I have problem with getting Trunk.<br></div>
<div>I used to use fpcup but now days it always give me errors.<br></div>
<div>So I went to use GetLazarus version, it is good but have many bugs because of its docking system and it will always be cropped so I decide to for one time I get the source an compile it.<br></div>
<div>I will write all things I do and all of these are done in Windows 10 64bit and run as administrator.<br></div>
<div>I tried all said in <a href="http://wiki.freepascal.org/Installing_Lazarus#Compiling.2Finstalling_FPC_and_Lazarus_from_Sources_of_SVN_.28Win32.29">http://wiki.freepascal.org/Installing_Lazarus</a> and it seems out dated but I make it.<br></div>
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<div>Now I have a problem:<br></div>
<div>My Lazarus version seems have problem.<br></div>
<div>It can compile many packages but it cant compile BGRABitmap.<br></div>
<div>It will stuck on sum two TPointF and give this error :<br></div>
<blockquote><div>bgracanvas2d.pas(370,21) Error: Operator is not overloaded: "TPointF" + "TPointF"<br></div>
</blockquote><div> </div>
<div>TPointF is declared like this :<br></div>
<div> {* Pointer to a ''TPointF'' structure }<br></div>
<div> PPointF = ^TPointF;<br></div>
<div> {* Contains a point with single-precision floating point coordinates }<br></div>
<div> TPointF = packed record x, y: single;<br></div>
<div> end;<br></div>
<div> </div>
<div> const<br></div>
<div> {** Value indicating that there is an empty ''TPointF'' structure.<br></div>
<div> It is also used as a separator in lists of points }<br></div>
<div> EmptyPointF: TPointF = (x: -3.402823e38; y: -3.402823e38);<br></div>
<div> </div>
<div> {----------------- Operators for TPointF --------------------}<br></div>
<div> {** Creates a new structure with values ''x'' and ''y'' }<br></div>
<div> function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF;<br></div>
<div> {** Checks if the structure is empty (equal to ''EmptyPointF'') }<br></div>
<div> function isEmptyPointF(const pt: TPointF): boolean;<br></div>
<div> {** Checks if both ''x'' and ''y'' are equal }<br></div>
<div> operator = (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean; inline;<br></div>
<div> {** Adds ''x'' and ''y'' components separately. It is like adding vectors }<br></div>
<div> operator + (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;<br></div>
<div> {** Subtract ''x'' and ''y'' components separately. It is like subtracting vectors }<br></div>
<div> operator - (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;<br></div>
<div> {** Returns a point with opposite values for ''x'' and ''y'' components }<br></div>
<div> operator - (const pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;<br></div>
<div> {** Scalar product: multiplies ''x'' and ''y'' components and returns the sum }<br></div>
<div> operator * (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline;<br></div>
<div> {** Multiplies both ''x'' and ''y'' by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }<br></div>
<div> operator * (const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF; inline;<br></div>
<div> {** Multiplies both ''x'' and ''y'' by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }<br></div>
<div> operator * (factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF; inline; <br></div>
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</blockquote><div> </div>
<div>And I dont have any problem in stable Lazarus and GetLazarus version and even in my old Trunk version.<br></div>
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<div>So any one can guess what is the problem?<br></div>
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<div id="sig12586409"><div class="signature">Regards,<br></div>
<div class="signature">Ara<br></div>
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