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<p>Package hell is back...</p>
<p>After somehow getting around the compilation issues with
fpspreadsheet, not knowing how, I somehow ran into another trap
with tvplanit. As you may know from the forum I am refurbishing
the Turbo Power libraray VisualPlanIt for use in Lazarus. <br>
<p>At the moment there are three packages: <br>
<li>laz_visualplanit.lpk: the main component package, <br>
<li>laz_visualplanit_sqlite3.lpk: an extension with a datastore
for sqlite3 (requires laz_visualplanit), and <br>
<li>laz_visualplanit_zeos.lpk: another extension with a datastore
for zeos database components (requires laz_visualplanit). <br>
<p>They share the same source folder, and compile into the same
units folder - maybe this is a problem, but the same works for
<p>The three packages do compile fine separately. But the final
step, installation into the IDE, crashes. Compilation of Lazarus
stops in lazarus.lpi with the message <br>
<p>"lazarus.pp(1,1) Fatal: Cannot find laz_visualplanit used by
Lazarus, incompatible
multiple packages: laz_visualplanit, laz_visualplanit_sqlite3".
<p>Then I, blindly, erase folders with compiled units, do a clean
rebuild, sometimes a normal rebuild. And all of a sudden, after
some time, the compilation ends sucessfully. Since I am actively
working with these components, however, I run into the same
situation when I have to rebuild Lazarus again. At the moment to
only way to get a working system it to remove the two dependent
packages, laz_visialplanit_sqlite3 and laz_visualplanit_zeos, from
the installation list. Therefore, I suspect that compiling all
three packages into the same folder could be the culprit.</p>
<p>If somebody wants to see this by himself: the sources are in
Lazarus-ccr, folder components/tvplanit. I hope the issue is
reproducible on other systems...<br>
<p>Any idea?<br>