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<p>Lazarus 2.1.0 r62571M FPC 3.0.4 x86_64-linux-gtk2<br>
<p>error compiling the IDE:<br>
<blockquote type="cite">Lazarus-Quelltext aufräumen: Erfolg<br>
Kompiliere Package FCL 1.0.1: Erfolg<br>
Kompiliere Package LazUtils 1.0: Erfolg, Warnungen: 2<br>
laz2_dom.pas(1944,14) Warning: Symbol "BuildList" is deprecated:
"Use NodeFilter instead."<br>
laz2_dom.pas(1952,14) Warning: Symbol "BuildList" is deprecated:
"Use NodeFilter instead."<br>
Kompiliere Package LCLBase 2.1: Exit code 1, Fehler: 1<br>
<font color="#fd1100">screen.inc(438,26) Error: Call by var for
arg no. 1 has to match exactly: Got "TScreen.{Dynamic} Array
Of TCursor" expected "UnicodeString"</font><br>
Kompiliere Package CodeTools 1.0.1: Abgebrochen<br>