[Qt] Qt TArrow implementation

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Thu Jul 5 18:06:34 CEST 2007

On Thursday 05 July 2007 12:07:39 pm zeljko wrote:
> yes, via polygon, but seem that last 1.40 bindings messed up points.
> now it looks like s**t. Look at attachment.

I already noticed. This is due to QPoint copying for DARWIN.
There are many procedures with a QPoint * parameter, that is not
a single point, but an array of QPoint. The binding cannot know that 
and copies the provided PPoint into one QPoint .....

I cannot reliably fix this, so I will remove the DARWIN QPoint copiers
and use a different pascal Point type. Please be aware of the obvious
consequence: never to mix Types.Point and TQtPoint.  

 void drawConvexPolygon ( const QPoint * points, int pointCount )


void QPainter_drawConvexPolygon3(QPainterH handle, PPoint points, int 
	QPoint t_points;
	if ( points )
		copyPPointToQPoint(points, t_points);
	((QPainter *)handle)->drawConvexPolygon(points ? &t_points : NULL, 

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