[Qt] Qt 4.6 some more feedback

Marcin Dębicki alterfenix at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 03:41:25 CET 2009

I was playing around with the new Qt 4.6 and this is what i've
found.one thing. I am not yet entirely sure what's causing it since it
behaves like that on only one system. Problem seems to be related to

  if not Self.DisableNetworkMsg then
    Self.DisableNetworkMsg:=MessageDlg(SNetMsgCaption, SNetMsg,
mtInformation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0)=mrYes;
  QWebSettings_setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0);
  // Common NetworkAccessManager
  QNetworkAccessManager := QNetworkAccessManager_create();

Application just hangs and after a few seconds crashes. Once I find
more details and it will appear t be related to Qt stuff I will post
it here.

Second thing is that once lib will officially support Qt 4.6 are there
any plans to implement this:
http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qgraphicseffect.html ?

Best regards
Marcin Dębicki

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