[Qt] Release V.172RC

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Fri Sep 18 22:35:53 CEST 2009

On Friday 18 September  2009 19:37:09 zeljko wrote:
> 2.No more Qt44 use ? Qt44 bindings (qt44.pas) does not use such hooking.
> No problem with me, but will anybody else arguing about it ?

If anyone asks, I could create a Qt 4.4 V1.72 
(lots of work so please only ask if really necessary)

Qt 4.5 is much better than Qt 4.4. 
Installing and using a Qt 4.5 (using LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
on a Qt 4.4 based distribution should not be that 
difficult for a professional programmer.

If I only need to create the sources and not 
the binaries (no need to boot a Mac/Windows/64bit linux,
install Qt 4.4, compile, copy binary .... )
it is much less work (linux 32 bit binary is not a problem,
it is my usual habitat)

> Another question is : Can I use in $mode delphi
>   QClass_hook_hook_someEvent(FQClassHook, MySlot); ?
> or I MUST use mode $objfpc and
>   QClass_hook_hook_someEvent(FQClassHook, @MySlot); ?
Both are possible. But in some rare case where the 
procedure variable gets mixed with a procedure call 
w/o parameters (default values for all parameters),
mode delphi does not work. But using the intermediate
method var ofcourse still works (other casting ofcourse)

the bug report shows a general example. Just removing
the default value in the declaration of the hooked method
is already enough to fix it. So not a big problem either.

does not work:
procedure TButton.Clicked(checked: Boolean = False);cdecl;
QAbstractButton_hook_hook_clicked(hook, Clicked);

procedure TButton.Clicked(checked: Boolean);cdecl;
QAbstractButton_hook_hook_clicked(hook, Clicked);

kind regards,

Den Jean

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