Hi,<br><br>><br>>Can you add qDrawWinPanel?<br>><br><br>Done: V.159<br><br>I added several, not all of qdrawutil.h. Because these functions are not <br>in a class, I need to do it manually.(Created a header <br>with a temp class with static functions like the requested ones,
<br>copy pasted the temp result to the scripts that add this to qtpas.cpp)<br><br>Both the x,y,w,h and PRect version available:<br>procedure q_DrawPlainRect(p: QPainterH; x: Integer; y: Integer; w: Integer; h: Integer; p6: PQColor; lineWidth: Integer = 1; fill: QBrushH = nil);
<br>procedure q_DrawPlainRect(p: QPainterH; r: PRect; p3: PQColor; lineWidth: Integer = 1; fill: QBrushH = nil);<br><br><br>I added some the PRect functions due to the differences in rectangle<br>between lazarus/fpc and Qt: "-1". Remember also the Mac OS X
<br>specific stuff needed. <br><br>Therefore the functions that use a rect have this code:<br><br>void q_DrawPlainRect2(QPainterH p, PRect r, const QColorH p3, int lineWidth<br>, const QBrushH fill) {<br> QRect t_r;<br> copyPRectToQRect(r, t_r);
<br> qDrawPlainRect((QPainter*)p, t_r, *(const QColor*)p3, lineWidth, (const QBrush*)fi<br>ll);<br> }<br><br>and:<br>inline void copyPRectToQRect(PRect pr, QRect &qr)<br>{<br>#if defined DARWIN<br> qr.setLeft(((QRect *)pr)->top());
<br> qr.setTop(((QRect *)pr)->left());<br> qr.setRight(((QRect *)pr)->bottom()-1);<br> qr.setBottom(((QRect *)pr)->right()-1);<br>#else<br> qr.setLeft(((QRect *)pr)->left());<br> qr.setTop(((QRect *)pr)->top());
<br> qr.setRight(((QRect *)pr)->right()-1);<br> qr.setBottom(((QRect *)pr)->bottom()-1);<br>#endif <br>}<br><br>so carefully choose with x,y,w,h or with rect.<br><br>regards,<br><br>Den Jean