[Lazarus-es] conexiones persistentes

José Mejuto joshyfun en gmail.com
Lun Oct 25 16:43:11 CEST 2010

Hello Paola,

Monday, October 25, 2010, 3:04:50 PM, you wrote:

PB>   El 25/10/2010 06:35 a.m., Mgutierrez escribió:
>> A mi me pasó eso, y me volví loco hasta descubrirlo. Lo solucioné 
>> reconectandome a la BD cada cierto tiempo (quiero recordar que 15 
>> minutos), cerraba y volvia a abrir la conexión. Este error me ha 
>> ocurrido tanto en PostgreSQL como en MySQL.
PB> alguien ha probado o tiene experiencia si pasa lo mismo con firebird?
PB> muchas gracias
PB> chauuuuuuuuu

Sacado de FireBird.conf

# Seconds to wait on a silent client connection before the server sends
# dummy packets to request acknowledgment.
# DO NOT USE THIS OPTION. It may hang or crash Windows on the client side as
# explained here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=296265
# or may not prevent eventual inactive client disconnection for other OS.
# Normally, Firebird uses SO_KEEPALIVE socket option to keep track of
# active connections. If you do not like default 2-hour keepalive timeout
# then adjust your server OS settings appropriately. On UNIX-like OS's,
# modify contents of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_*. On Windows,
# follow instrutions of this article:
# http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=140325
# Type: integer
#DummyPacketInterval = 0

Best regards,

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