[lazarus] GTK message handlers.

Cliff Baeseman vbman at pcpros.net
Sun Apr 25 23:38:44 EDT 1999

Shane what do you think about this? I think we should leave our current form of events in place
for now since it seems to work very well.

What are yur thoughts on this.


michael at tfdec1.fys.kuleuven.ac.be wrote:

> Hello,
> As requested by Michael Zayats, we've implemented some changes to support
> messages from GTK more directly.
> The implementation of it is as follows:
> Declare a message handler with SELF as one of the paameters.
> Procedure TMyClass.MyMessageHandler (Arg1 : Type1; Arg2 : Type2;
>                                      ...
>                                      Self : TMyClass;
>                                      Argn : Typen); message 'themessage';cdecl;
> What happens is the following: For string message handlers, you can specify
> SELF as one of the parameters. The compiler will then load this parameter in
> the SELF register of the class.
> The type of SELF must be the same as the type of the class, or an error
> will occur. It is also only possible for 'string' message handlers.
> This means that you can do for instance:
> Procedure TMyDangerButton.FormatHarddrive (Widget : PGtkWidget;
>                                            Self : TMyDangerButton);message 'clicked'; cdecl;
> begin
>   FormatDisk('C:');
> end;
> Procedure TMyDangerButton.Create()
> begin
>   // Create the GTK button widget
>   // Connect to onclick handler, pass self as data.
>   gtk_signal_connect(gtk_Object(fcomponent),
>                      'clicked',
>                      gtk_Signal_Func(@FormatHardDrive),
>                      Self);
>   // No way to avoid the ugly typecast... This is Pascal, after all..
> end;
> So no global dispatching functions or whatever are needed.
> This has been put in the compiler, but not yet tested or committed to CVS,
> although the generated code looks OK.
> I will notify when it has been committed and tested.
> Michael.
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