[lazarus] Lazarus CVS update

Cliff Baeseman Cliff.Baeseman at Greenheck.Com
Wed Apr 28 18:41:38 EDT 1999

Can you just do a add control for the scrollbar. This should place a table
over the TMemo component and attach the scrollbar to the left of the memo.
Use something like left = parent the memo .width - scrollbar.width top
should equal 0  and width whatever and height whatever.

Actually any time add control is called a table is placed on it no mater
what the widget is this allows you
to place a widget using the properties on another widget. The only
restriction is that the widget that the
table is placed on needs to bea classified as a container. I believe a memo
is classified as a container.

Right now the writing of tstring.savetofile not working is a major halt to
the deal.  I will work on user interface stuff until this is resolved.

I will try it tonight!


-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Miller [mailto:SMiller1 at stvgb.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 1:33 PM
To: lazarus at miraclec.com
Subject: [lazarus] Lazarus CVS update

Currently, CVS contains the source that is pretty much up to date.  You can
now open any .pp file anywhere on the drive and it'll color it.
I added TScrollbar in hopes of adding scrollbars to my TMemo class.  Though
I can get them to appear, I haven't thought of a way to move them when the
form or memo is resized so they end up in the middle of the memo when you
resize the form.

Currently all you  can do with the IDE is select FILE - NEW and it'll open
(not really 'new') a .pp file for you.  You can examine the coloring I have
set up, then close the program.  You can only load one .pp file at a time
right now.

My thoughts on the scroll bars:
     The method for adding scrollbars seems to be the following :  Create a
gtk table, size 2,2.  Add a memo that goes from 0,0 to 1,1.  Create a scroll
bar (2 of them) and add them to the table at 0,1,1,1 and 1,0,1,1.  Then
throw that table on a form.  The problem is that our forms , by default ,
have tables attached to them and it seems like you can't throw a table onto
another table on the form.

Should we remove the tables from our forms or is this the only way to throw
a button on a form and be able to move it around freely?  What is the NEED
for the table?  I don't remember why we required it.

I will be sending lazarus.zip to cliff late tonight so hopefully the web
page will be updated with it.  Anyone that want's the code sent to them, let
me know.

Needs:  TListview and TTreeView created from gtkList and gtktree.  Along
with that comes gtkListItem and gtkTreeItem.  If know one claims possession
of these two controls then I will do them thursday or friday.


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