
Michael A. Hess mhess at
Fri Apr 30 11:13:45 EDT 1999

Cliff Baeseman wrote:
> No I think the library should be available but it does not have to be
> packaged with the fcl.

Agreed, Free Pascal and the FCL should not be tied to a library, API, or
whatever you want to call it.
> Our library is very FCL dependant but the visual component should be
> swapable in lazarus between gui tool kits.  I intend to  move towards
> a swapable component library in lazarus. My intent is
> that lazarus does not care about the component library. Our ide is
> built from our GTK library but I do not wish to preclude the use of
> other other toolkits.

Excellent! That is what I was eluding to. At this point it is tied more
to GTK but once the IDE is finished and we have something to work with
we can generalize the components. Right now the IDE is the thing. :-)

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at

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