[lazarus] NEW WEB Pages

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Fri Aug 6 19:17:31 EDT 1999


I have finished the major portion of the new web pages. I would like
everyone to look at the pages and let me know if you see things that
should be added and of course any typos and mistakes.


I would like to integrate your pages with the new web format and layout.
Let's talk and see if there isn't someway that you can generate and
update the data so that it will have the same look and feel as the rest
of the pages. Send me some email when you can get into this.  :-)

OK everybody take a look and give me some feedback. I still need to do
some more work possibly adding some banners and links to other relative
sites. I think it might also be a nice idea to put descriptions and
pictures of the major players just as they do on the FPC pages.

The other big thing is some snapshots. Shane, Cliff I have been away for
most of this week so I'm not sure exactly where we are with the code. Do
you have some functional snapshots that we can take to put on the site.

Let me know.

Most of all .... Enjoy.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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