[lazarus] Help! Beginner cvs or compiling WOES

Chris Bordeman chrisbordeman at netscape.net
Sat Aug 7 22:10:47 EDT 1999

Greetings to all of the fpc/fcl/lazarus team,

My name is Chris Bordeman.  I have been following the list for a few months
and using linux for a few years.  I wanted to start helping out w/ the FCL,
and, having mostly followed the directions in the linux HOW-TO, I have gotten
stuck cycling the compiler.  I currently have these set up these in my

export FPCDIR=/opt/fpc
export PPC_GCCLIB_PATH=/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.8.1/libgcc.a
export CVSROOT=':pserver:cvs at tflily.fys.kuleuven.ac.be:/usr/local/CVS'      

In the beginning, per the HOW-TO I logged into cvs and did a:

cvs -z3 checkout base compiler rtl fcl docs gtk lazarus

which over my 49333 kbps connection took 5-10 min. to complete.

I then created the 3 scripts in the HOW-TO (minus the export CVSROOT which was
in ~./bashrc) and executed cvs_update which seemed to go ok.

I got the release ppc386 compiler and used its install.sh script, accepting
defaults and when asked, pointing it at /opt/fpc which contained a libgcc.a. 
I copied the executable to /opt/fpc/ and created /opt/fpc/units/linux like the
HOW-TO said.

I ran the HOW-TO script new_ppc to update/compile the compiler and got this:

makefile.fpc not found!
Check the FPCMAKE and FPCDIR environment variables.
make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/fpc/compiler'
makefile.fpc not found!
Check the FPCMAKE and FPCDIR environment variables.
ppc386 [options] <inputfile> [options]
+ switch option on, - off
  -a     the compiler doesn''t delete the generated assembler file
  -B+    build
  -C     code generation options                      

I could find no makefile.fpc ANYWHERE under /opt/fpc, so I deleted all the cvs
directories and did the 'cvs checkout ' line again.  Now I suddenly have a
base/makefile.cvs, so I inspected the Makefile, which had a reference to
../makefile.fpc so I copied base/makefile.fpc to /opt/fpc.

Here is a directory listing up to that point:

compiler       (cvs dir)
demo           (cvs dir)
gtk            (cvs dir)
makefile.fpc   (I copied out of base)
cvs_init       (HOW-TO script)
docs           (cvs dir)
lazarus          (cvs dir)
new_ppc        (HOW-TO script)
base           (cvs dir)
cvs_update     (HOW-TO script)
fcl            (cvs_dir)
libgcc.a       (not sure how that got there)
ppc386.release (copied from installed executable)
units          (units/linux self-created dir)

then I tried the new_ppc again, and got this:

make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/fpc/compiler'
rm -f ppc386
rm -f *.o *.ppu *.s *.a *.so *.ppl
rm -rf *.sl
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/fpc/compiler'
make -C ../rtl/Free Pascal Compiler version 0.99.5  lf> This program comes
under the GNU General Public Licence For more information read COPYING  lf>
Report bugs,suggestions etc to:                
klaempfl at haegar.cip.mw.tu-muenchen.de libsclean
make: *** ../rtl/Free: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** [cycle] Error 2
mv: *.ppu: No such file or directory
cp: compiler/ppc386: No such file or directory

Now I am lost.  Is CVS just not giving me all the @#$%%& files or what???

I am running kernel 2.0.35-1 and CVS 1.9.

I apologize for the length, but I think someone should be able to help me
w/all this info!

Thanks and Semper Fidelis,

Chris Bordeman

BTW, I am going to delete all my CVS dirs again and get them again, NOT do an
update, set FPCMAKE to /opt/fpc/base and retry new_ppc again.  If that fails,
I'll retry w/no compression in the checkout.

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