[Re: [[lazarus] Help! Beginner cvs or compiling WOES]]

Chris Bordeman chrisbordeman at netscape.net
Sun Aug 8 05:01:13 EDT 1999

Thanks Jeff, that plus a minor change in /etc/ppc386.cfg (-Fg to -Fl) and it
compiles just fine.

Now, on to the cool stuff...  :-))

Semper Fidelis!

Chris Bordeman

"Jeffrey A. Wormsley" <daworm at cdc.net> wrote:
> On 8/8/99, at 1:32 AM, Chris Bordeman wrote: 
> >make -C ../rtl/Free Pascal Compiler version 0.99.5 
> This could be the problem.  I think you need to use a newer version to
> compile the latest.  You may need to get the latest snapshot of the
> compiler.  Go to ftp://tflily.fys.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/fpc/snapshot/ and get
> the latest, and see if that helps.
> Jeff.
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