[lazarus] Question about dynamic library system

Peter Vreman pfvreman at wins.uva.nl
Sun Aug 8 09:50:37 EDT 1999

At 15:06 8-8-99 , you wrote:
>Just a curious question - does anybody know if there is any difference
>in dynamic linking libraries implementation in Win32 (aka .DLLs) and
>Linux (.so)?
>When linking the library, do they share the same address space?
>Will there be a need for a unit like borlandmm.dll or anything like
>Is it legal to pass pointer of application's allocated structure to the
>library? What about AnsiStrings?
At least .so creation doesn't work for classes and ansistrings atm. For .so 
local variable references in the .so are copied local, for .dll this isn't 
done. And for .so all .globl defined things are exported and can be 
accessed while for .dll you can only access the variables defined in the 
exports section.

But for the moment, don't think about creating dynamic linked libraries 
becuase there are still problems. Hopefully after the next release it'll be 

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