[lazarus] Help! Beginner cvs or compiling WOES

Pascal Dutilleul pduti at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 8 11:48:08 EDT 1999

--- Chris Bordeman <chrisbordeman at netscape.net> wrote:
> export FPCDIR=/opt/fpc
> export
> .....
> ====================================
> makefile.fpc not found!
> Check the FPCMAKE and FPCDIR environment variables.

You should also have added to your script :

export FPCMAKE=/opt/fpc/base/makefile.fpc

then it should work.

> Now I suddenly have a
> base/makefile.cvs, so I inspected the Makefile,
> which had a reference to
> ../makefile.fpc so I copied base/makefile.fpc to
> /opt/fpc.

If you've set FPCMAKE, then you don't have to copy the makefile.fpc. 
Just leave it in .../base/

> BTW, I am going to delete all my CVS dirs again and
> get them again, NOT do an
> update, set FPCMAKE to /opt/fpc/base and retry
> new_ppc again.  If that fails,
> I'll retry w/no compression in the checkout.

I get all the stuff right from CVS, with compression, so it should also
work for you I guess. 

I think I also had to adjust or add the line
in the file /opt/fpc/fcl/Makefile


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