[Re: [lazarus] RFC : Type separation]]]]]

Michal Bukovjan mbukovjan at netscape.net
Mon Aug 9 10:59:29 EDT 1999

I think I'll do this, after all.
The only reason why I am reluctant to it, is the question whether it is a
viable solution in terms of multiplatformness, e.g. does the compiler resolve
the following issues?

1. Enumerated types are (propably) 1 byte size, Integer 4 byte (even 8 bytes
on 64-platforms)
2. Byte endianity - is this typecasting still legal for different byte
ordering when compiling for multiple platforms ?
3. Range overflows checking - when this style of programming spreads too much,
it could end up in rather a mess. Or is the range check performed during the
cast, say Integer(TEnumeratedType) ?

Anyway, since there is no other way I can think of at the moment, I'll use the
typecasting to integer and pray :-(

Michal Bukovjan

"Shane Miller" <SMiller1 at stvgb.org> wrote:
> Why not just put a 
> Comboboxstyle : Integer
> inthe message instead of referring to is as a TComboBoxStyle.  Then you
don't need the Controls.pp in the uses.
> Shane

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