[Re: [lazarus] RFC : Type separation]]]]]

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Mon Aug 9 11:25:16 EDT 1999

OK< better idea then.
Create a entry in the lmMessage that you want to use to point to a pointer and then it'll simply store an address.  Then in your code, send the ADDRESS of your variable you want to use. This way you need to typecast it in gtkint or whereever, but it'll work better than the integer.


>>> Michal Bukovjan <mbukovjan at netscape.net> 08/09 9:59 AM >>>
I think I'll do this, after all.
The only reason why I am reluctant to it, is the question whether it is a
viable solution in terms of multiplatformness, e.g. does the compiler resolve
the following issues?

1. Enumerated types are (propably) 1 byte size, Integer 4 byte (even 8 bytes
on 64-platforms)
2. Byte endianity - is this typecasting still legal for different byte
ordering when compiling for multiple platforms ?
3. Range overflows checking - when this style of programming spreads too much,
it could end up in rather a mess. Or is the range check performed during the
cast, say Integer(TEnumeratedType) ?

Anyway, since there is no other way I can think of at the moment, I'll use the
typecasting to integer and pray :-(

Michal Bukovjan

"Shane Miller" <SMiller1 at stvgb.org> wrote:
> Why not just put a 
> Comboboxstyle : Integer
> inthe message instead of referring to is as a TComboBoxStyle.  Then you
don't need the Controls.pp in the uses.
> Shane

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