[lazarus] NEW WEB pages with the link

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Wed Aug 11 15:25:29 EDT 1999

Can we add some priorties to our components page?  I think that would be handy.
For example, I NEED TScrollbar completed bad!  But a control like TButton is basically functioning so I don't really need anything done to that at this pooint.  I think priorities would be handy.

Also, I need some classes created.

TImageList, which descends from TDragImageList which descends from TCustomImageList.

The first two should be in Controls.pp but the TCustomImageList is found in a new file (that doesn't exist yet) called imaglist or sometying like that.

Also, what about TDrag???? and such?  We have anyone that wants to attack the TDrag??? classes?


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