[lazarus] Creating Components...

Curtis White osiriz at teleport.com
Wed Aug 11 22:20:53 EDT 1999

Yes, this is a bug in the compiler. Peter said he has to wait for one of the
other FPC guys to get back from vacation to fix it. So now when anything refers
to Self, it doesn't really refer to Self. It refers to its child instead. It is
a real pain to do anything with it this way because it seems like things are
broke when they are just getting the wrong pointer. So for now, until it is
fixed, you have to actually specify the name of the form instead of Self or
even the implied self.


On 12-Aug-99 Jeffrey A. Wormsley wrote:
> Looking a bit deeper, I see that the button is created in the Form's
> oncreate event passing Self.  I would have thought that Self would refer to
> the Form, but instead it is referring to the button.  Didn't someone else
> have this problem recently?  Do you recall their fix?
> Jeff.

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