[lazarus] Templates Added to CVS

Curtis White osiriz at teleport.com
Thu Aug 12 11:55:31 EDT 1999

I just added the new template files to CVS. I created a new directory inside lcl
called templates. Inside it, there are two files, template.pp and template.inc.
They have comments and all the standard items needed to create a component. When
creating a new component, you can just copy the template files to your new
filenames and then fill in all the missing information and change the classes
and methods appropriately.

If you add a component to an existing unit, then you can add the @author tag at
the top to explain the components you added. Then just copy the template.inc
file to the filename you need to implement your new component.

I hope this isn't too confusing, but I am kind of in a hurry (wife needs my
help so we can get out of here to go camping). If you look at the files, you
will probably understand what you need to do with them :-)


On 12-Aug-99 Shane Miller wrote:
> Great idea.  Templates for new files would be good and the comments would be
> better.  I like the idea of pasdoc, just don't have time to learn the
> comment method.  With an exampl,e in the template, it should make it easy.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Shane Miller
> Home page : http://www.lakefield.net/~smiller
> Auto-IP Publisher : http://www.lakefield.net/~smiller/autoip
> Advanced Clipboard : http://www.lakefield.net/~smiller/advclipboard
> Lazarus : http://www.pcpros.net/~vbman
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Curtis White <osiriz at teleport.com>
> To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
> Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 4:33 PM
> Subject: [lazarus] New Controls (was NEW WEB pages with the link)
>>I have created templates for both the .pp and the .inc files that contain
> all
>>the standard stuff, including comments. I think we should get people all
> using
>>a common template with their controls so everything looks the same. Plus,
> with
>>the comments there, it will all be self documenting with pasdoc. If
> everyone
>>wants, I can create a new directory in lcl (in CVS) called "templates" or
>>something and put these two templates in there. What do you all think?
>>The only thing that might need to be changed in them is the wording at the
> top.
>>They still say that everything is GPL. If I remember correctly, we were
> going
>>to change that to LGPL. Is that right?  If so, if someone can send me, or
> tell
>>me where to find it, the wording for LGPL, I will change it in the
> templates
>>before I commit them.

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